UPDATE: Deer Creek Elementary School 5C's (SEL) Program on Pause
Deer Creek Elementary School (DCES) parents were notified yesterday that the 5C's program will be paused before it even started. See the DCES statement below:
District policy that needs to be followed regarding 5C's curriculum or any other SEL based teaching progam:
Policy IG: "Successful curriculum development is a cooperative enterprise involving impacted
district staff members, carried out under the superintendent’s leadership and using
multiple resources. Carefully conducted and supervised experimentation for
curriculum development is also desirable."
All new programs and courses of study as well as the elimination and extensive
alteration of the content of current programs and courses shall be presented by the
superintendent or designee to the Board for its consideration and action."
Policy IHAK:The Board of Education believes that while parents are the primary and most
important moral educators of their children, the school and community should
reinforce parental efforts. Therefore, the Board directs the superintendent to
develop, with input from parents and other community members, a character
education program.
For parents with concerns or complaints about teaching methods, activities or presentations see policy KEF