Taxpayers Pay for Lavish Convention Tickets for Platte Canyon School Board
The Colorado Association of School Boards' (CASB) annual convention was held at the beginning of December. The Platte Canyon School District Board of Education has attended this convention for decades with an almost 100% attendance rate by the BOE. The last time this board divulged the cost of the convention was June of 2018 with the approval of the annual dues and season tickets totaling $12,535. In addition to those costs, the district will pay for the room fee at $200.00 per night, per room for this 3 day/2 night convention.
PACE began attending and documenting the work sessions in December 2016. Beginning in December 2018, the district discontinued holding work sessions at the CASB convention and replaced it with an executive session. In December 2019, the last executive session was held at The Broadmoor over 100 miles away from it's constituents.
Further opinions surfaced this year concerning the continued use of one of the most opulent hotels in Colorado for the CASB convention. Read more about these concerns here in The Sentinel Colorado.
This from the article: “I am thrilled that CASB has the elegance, style and sophistication to meet at the Broadmoor, as I’m certain they expect Colorado’s school board members to have the same opulent mindset when they return to their home districts and cry poverty to their taxpayers,” Caldara said. “The Broadmoor is a state treasure. But that doesn’t mean taxpayers’ treasure should be spent there.”