April 10, 2023 Official "Unofficial" Minutes
The official "unofficial" minutes for April 10 are now available (see below). Read about Ms. Weinfeldt removing from the agenda-recognition of teachers, volunteers and the week of the young child, learn about the updates to the 4-day week and the approval of $74,000 expenditure for the owner's representative for the preschool relocation project.
4-Day FAQ's draft document:
Some highlights from the FAQ document:
- students will be expected to attend school on SOME Fridays.
- high school students through preschool students will all share the bus in the afternoon.
- elementary students will receive 86 hours LESS of instruction hours,
- the middle/high school will receive 30 hours LESS of instruction hours.
- no Remedial instruction will be offered to elementary students.
- teachers will be reduced to a 35-hour work week and retain 40 hours of pay.
- non-licensed employees will be paid for the hours worked, potentially receiving a reduction in hours/pay.