A Closer Look at the New Math Curriculum and Embedded SEL Programming
The new math curriculum up for consideration was presented to the Platte Canyon School District Board of Education on Monday March 11, 2024. Ms. Kay Genschorck presented the selection process, pros/cons regarding the curriculum and the implementation team/process. See the presentation here
Curriculum being considered from the presentation:
This curriculum uses a free the online learning program Waggle
Waggle is personalized and adaptive learning online software that, if this curriculum is approved, the district will only use for math. Just a brief Google search brings you to the website noted above. Very clearly on the website you will find that within Waggle is "Embedded hints and feedback develop SEL competencies..."
Further exploration of their website shows the math curriculum with SEL components built into their programming for elementary, middle school and high school.
Waggle also collects different levels of personal information about your child and in many instances this information can be shard to the third party. Read their privacy evaluation here.
If you are concerned with the embedded SEL aspect of this curriculum or data collection, this curriculum has not been approved by the BOE you can express any concerns you may have directly to the board:
Garrison Genschorck, President ggenschorck@pcsdk12.org
Missy Winefeldt, Vice President mwinefeldt@pcsdk12.org
Sheri Bezzant, Treasurer sbezzant@pcsdk12.org
Frank VanDeHey, Secretary fvandehey@pcsdk12.org
Theresa Gilliland, Director tgilliland@pcsdk12.org